Monday, May 21, 2012

50 shades...

Soooooo... Where do I get started?

As you probably assumed with the title of this post, yes I have read Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James. In fact I read the trilogy all in a few days. (long weekend, go figure).

Listen. I'm not the kind of person to talk about my personal life and cringe when it comes to the birds and the bees (don't wanna talk about it, hear about it... No.) I'm a prude yes. I just don't think that subject should be discussed outside of my relationship with my boyfriend.

So with that in mind, I read those books. If you haven't read them, go ahead why not. If you like romance it's a decent story. (Do not read if you don't appreciate amateur writing skills... It was initially written as fan fiction to Twilight after all...). This book is very explicit, but I mean VERY. I usually read books and pass them along to my mother. This will be the ONLY exception (saving myself from an uncomfortable discussion...). I tried to read these books and put aside all the extra... I'd like to say all the gore attached to the storyline (again... !!! Not comfortable hearing/talking/reading/discussing that kind of stuff!!!) and tried to focus on the storyline. Not only is the writing so... Ordinary but the vocabulary tends to be repetitive and it seems like the author learned a new word while writing each book (she likes to employ the word "sinews" when describing how muscular Grey is.. Personally if I saw my boyfriends sinews when he flexes id be worried he has become anorexic.. How can you see that??)

Anyway. I'm no going to spoil any details in my blog, as I hope you do read it for whatever reasons you may have (just don't tell me!). However I have a few suggestions...

1. You may not want to borrow the book from a friend or from the library... For some obvious, and not so obvious reasons...
2. If you don't want people to know you are reading the books, simply don't tell them (avoiding uncomfortable conversations) and maybe opt for the e-book rather than the oh so obvious book with the sexy tie image on the front.
3. Chances you will find a guy like Christian Grey are slim to none.
4. If you do... DON'T SIGN ANYTHING!
5. Don't try to write your own books. Writing like this should be illegal.

I'm not hating on the author in any way. I read the books and liked them for the simple fact that it was a good fictional romance (very fictional, borderline fantasy) and that Anastasia Steele is easy to relate to.. Then again, she has no specific personality so anyone could relate to her.

I give it 3 stars, because I'm nice and think that if you have nothing to read and want to read something captivating, these books will do just that. However, the writing and cliches sometimes want to make you vomit. Oh, and the details in certain "activities" are unnecessary, especially when eating lunch. (I swear.)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Love. (a self-esteem prayer)

Don't ever let anybody make you feel worthless. Stay true to yourself. This world is a battlefield and you are your only trusted ally. Love yourself, embrace yourself and appreciate your life. Amen.