Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Powerless and bored. Book suggestion?

I need inspiration... A new reason to live life to its fullest.
I have a million ideas in my head and I'm starting to think they're all going to splurt out at once and I better have an extra large canvas to paint/vomit them all over.

What's going on? A gazillion things! Not all going well but I try to keep my head high. I've got reasons to want to succeed at life in general, including in my relationships both personal and professional. But everytime I think it's going great, there's someone there to shove sticks in my wheels. It's even harder when you can't blame them for it.

Wish me luck.

In the meanwhile, I'm bored. Any book suggestions? Nothing about handcuffs and riding crops please!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I wish I could actually growl on here.

Nothing major has happened but rather a series of little annoyances I need to vent out there.

My nails chipped so I decided to redo them. FML. I did everything but ended up having to scrub of the product with the nail file MAJOR NO NO it ruin your nails! And they became so thin that I had to cut them SHORT! Like really short. Like I barely have nails it's almost to the skin. But then I painted them pretty and I love them ! (see image below? I don't know if this will actually work I'm using the app so...)

Then my crazy cat-a-holic ex-neighbor or whatever she is called at 11:30pm wanting to see how were doing????? Ummmmm. I'm sorry. When I was a kid and a friend would call my house at 9 and my parents were über pissed id get annoyed but got their point: they worked early AND my sister was just a baby and was sleeping at that time. Now I'm an adult and my friends and family know that i am most probably up anyway and if they needed to call they could because they know how I am. But you, complete stranger who I've known (known is in the way as I know what your face looks like, what your name is and that you've got a gazillion cats reproducing in your apartment) why are you calling me? First of all why do you even have my number? I gave it to you politely 5 months ago on one of those occasions where you said you were moving and wanted to check if we had any mail for you, which you didn't even end up moving for all these months so wtf? Now last week, all in the same day, you gave your 600 cats to the SPCA, told the landlord to come pick up the cash for the rent and then decided to move out? All in the same day? In tr span of 6 hours???? Now you sit down wherever you are located at this moment and dig out that old piece of paper where you might have written down our phone number and think "hmmm it's 11:30pm and I wonder how these good old folks are doing? I should call them and let them know I am alive! Yes great idea! And at the same time I might as well ask them how they're doing!"

Ok listen. I'm a nice person, open minded and respectful but lady please. Why are you calling? Aren't you sleeping anyway?

I ended up telling her it's 11pm were sleeping and work early in the morning (hey! A little white lie for some common sense is totally justifiable!) and bye!

Crazy old woman!

Friday, August 3, 2012

New review on SensatioNail

Hi everyone!

So I got a replacement kit from Taylor Armstrong because the previous one had the bottle of gel primer that exploded all over and with this one I got the other color polish available in the starter kit Scarlet Red.

Now with this one I was able to use the gel primer before applying the first coat of Gel Base & Top Coat and I don't know if it's me or actually the product but I feel like the product is actually harder on my nail.

I gotta say this, the color looks amazing. I've had red polishes in the past and I still buy them but they never looked so bright! It's gorgeous. I definitely give the product a 10/10 now that I was able to apply the primer and compare results but also that I have removed my previous mani! Soooo easy to do! Hopefully I get the chance to post a video real soon but basically you scratch off the shiny layer with the nail buffer and then make sure you get acetone or nail polish remover (with acetone as the first ingredient) to stay on the nail for 10 minutes (with a cotton ball or cut up cotton pad like the ones you use to remove makeup). Once you remove them after 10 minutes it looks all warped and sticking up so you take the cuticle stick and gently scrape it off your nail upwardly. It comes right off. You wash your hands, buff your nails gently to make them smooth and you're ready to apply the products once more!

I am super happy with this product! I was at the pharmacy earlier today and thought I'd test my luck by asking if they held the SensatioNail products and I wasn't too surprised to find out they didn't. (I was at Jean Coutu by the way...)

I'll keep looking for the products around Montreal and you bet that as soon as I find them I'll let you all know!