Wow this blog is nearly filled with cobwebs and dust!
I haven't really had anything amazing happen in the past few weeks other than shopping and posting new videos on my YouTube channel
I've been busy keeping up with housework, helping my mom with her new business venture and trying on new nail polishes to show everyone in the whole wide world!
For those of you out there who follow me like my life is interesting, you can follow me on Instagram: gabythegirlnextdoor
Some of you may or may not have noticed my new blog for product reviews! If you haven't, then go an check it out!
I will admit I have been debating on making a "Love is Louder" / "It Gets Better" kind of post (although I am not gay, I wanted to make one aimed towards bullying and anxiety/depression) but I'm not sure. It all depends on what I want to divulge. I have posted some stuff about anxiety and depression and some of my bad mishaps with life in general before. I guess I just have to find where my comfort level begins and ends.
Stay tuned my lovelies!