Saturday, September 6, 2014

Post-op: 1 month later...

I can't believe a month ago I was going to bed and nervous about getting surgery the next morning... It seems like forever ago!

In two weeks I am meeting my surgeon for the very first time since my surgery and I cannot wait. I feel nearly no restriction at the moment and it worries me. I can eat a regular portion with a glass or two of water or juice without a problem. I could probably get away with a portion of dessert as well. Is my mind playing games with me? I don't think so because I have to tell myself "Ok. I don't need to eat right now. I'll just wait til later." When before I really had to stop eating because I was full. 

I am consciously trying to keep my eating habits in check. I keep a daily log using the My Fitness Plan app, conjointly with my FitBit app and wearing my bracelet. It's interesting to see how many steps and how my sleep pattern looks like during regular days but I am anxious to start walking daily and see what I clock in with the FitBit! 

Otherwise I am doing ok. I'm more tired (I don't know why) and I just want to sleep all the time (could be all the rain we have been getting lately). I'm back at work since Tuesday and it feels great to get back to a routine. I need to make sure I adapt my lifestyle to work and my health plan and keep up with eating balanced meals and snacks. I had the very bad habit of snacking all day at work on top of eating my lunch. I noticed that this came back really quickly on my 2nd day back to work. 

Until next time,
