Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Changes - mini update

Hello to all!

I am giving myself a slap on the hand for not updating you on my weightloss journey. Some may already follow me on Instagram and Facebook but for those who don't here are my updates!

Since December 3rd I have lost 1 pound. That is all. I went through the holidays, cheated left and right with food (and the sweets! Oh God the sweets!) but as of January 1st something changed. I decided to start exercising, and tracking my footsteps daily (5k step objective per day).

Not much at first but I started with 15 minutes of light cardio, in intervals of 5,4,3,2 and 1 minute (for a total of 15 mins), every 2 days, with the help of an interval timer app I found on the iPhone App Store. Nothin crazy you can just do a quick search and you can find any of your liking. It was simply so I didn't have to waste time playing with my iPhone timer every minute.

Since last week I bumped it up to 25 minutes 4 times a week. Ideally I'd like to do 4 consecutive days, or two days and one day rest but haven't gotten the chance so far since I got my band filled yesterday. I am now at 4.5cc. My doctor wanted to put more but when he made me drink water it wouldn't go down so he took some out. Hopefully with my steps, excercise and watching my food I should be able to see some actual results by my next appointment (6 weeks from now).

That's pretty much it! Wanted to make it short and sweet and hoping to deliver better results (so I can reach my first milestone and reward myself with the FitBit Aria scale!)
