It's official.
August 7th, 2014 marks the beginning of a new life for me. After 4 years of wait, signing up with 3 different doctors and wanting to give up, 4 years of tears and deception, the day finally came.
I woke up at 4:30am the morning of my surgery feeling pretty calm. I had packed most of my things ahead of time so it was all just a matter of making sure I wasn't forgetting anything. I had to be at the hospital for 6:30am and my mother was here to pick me up at 5:30am.
I got to the hospital and I was assigned my bed and put my things away. Got myself in my gown and waited for a series of small preparation tests before surgery. I was scheduled to get operated at 9:30am.
My mom and I rushed to the scale to weigh me before surgery. Remember that I couldn't use a regular scale as I was too heavy. When I did my preparatory tests back in February I weighed a wiping 377lbs. On the morning of the surgery I weighed 364.4lbs. That's a difference of 13lbs. My mom and I were ecstatic. I had lost what we estimated to be around 20lbs with the preparatory diet, if I had gained weight between February and July. Even the hospital staff was excited for me. I was overjoyed.
The nurse came back and explained how everything was going to go down and showed me how to use my spirometer that I would need to use post-surgery. She did the routine blood work and hooked me up to my iv solution and meds. By the time this was all done it was time for surgery. I was excited.
I was in and out of consciousness as I waited before the doors of the surgery ward. I hadn't slept much and I was tired. I woke up to nurses and doctors softly saying my name to ask me several questions. I guess they thought I was out of it. My surgeon even asked me if I had sleep apnea because I was falling asleep. I was simply tired but I think that helped me calm down.
I was pretty calm the entire time. All my fear and anxiety went away and I was more than ready.
I met with my anesthesiologist that checked my throat and confirmed that I was good to get operated. What a relief especially after being sick for days.
They wheeled me into the operation room and helped me switch over from my bed to the operating table. Everyone was really nice. I even cracked a joke or two about my bare behind. That seemed to lighten up the mood but everything was very organized and very calm already. I saw an assistant bring in the box containing the Lap-Band and I knew this was really happening. By then it was time to give me oxygen and start explaining to me that I was about to fall asleep. Then I did. And I dreamt. Of what I don't remember but I was at peace.
I woke up to a nurse gently calling out my name. I was still very groggy but she explained that surgery had lasted about an hour and everything went well. I asked about my liver and she said the doctor found it still a bit bigger than supposed to but all had went perfectly according to plans and my surgery was successful. I remember going on saying "that's good" repeatedly and saying how I was happy everything went well and that I had waited for so long for this time to come. I remember finally being able to open my eyes and keep them open and they rolled me back into my observation room where my mother was awaiting me. I was just like my 3-year-old self when I saw her face and exclaimed "mommy!". She was so proud of me and was running her hand across my head. A series of nurses tended to me to see if I was in pain and then started my 6-hour observation period. I felt some discomfort on my left shoulder pulling in from my chest. I was explained that this was due to the gas that was inserted into my abdomen to facilitate the surgery. They checked my bandages a few times and everything seemed normal. They gave me some water and I took very small sips at a time. What a relief. My throat was already dry from not drinking water and being sick but being intubated had made it all "worse". Water felt good.
I was then in and out of consciousness. I was very sleepy and it took at least 3 hours for me to be fully awake, during all this time nurses would check up on me.
My family came to visit me and I was so happy to see them. Then came my boyfriend and it was time to get ready to go home!
Two nurses came in and showed me how to use my anticoagulants and explained the medication to take and what to expect during the first few weeks after leaving the hospital. We reviewed my diet and I was then ready to leave.
I was overjoyed. My heart could burst from joy right now. I have never felt so accomplished, so complete, so proud. I did this for me and I succeeded.
Going to bed was a tricky thing but my pain meds helped me drift to sleep. I slept 5 hours until now. This is why I am writing.
I will be resting a lot for the next few days but I am excited to finally embark this health journey. God knows what life has planned for me as of today.