Tuesday, October 21, 2014

75 days post-op: off-scale victory!

75 days have passed since my surgery and lots has happened since, yet it feels like it didn't. I've had my first fill and it didn't feel like it did much but I have another appointment scheduled next week...

I've been eating regular portions (and snacking a lot...) but although I feel barely any restriction when I eat I know when I'm full and I know what foods to avoid (no baked taralli!!)

So on to the main subject: off-scale victories. This is how I have been measuring my progress between doctor appointments because I still haven't reached the maximum weight for my scale. Well today I took out my winter coat (it's a rainy 6° out in Montreal this morning!) and it fit better than it did last year! I had a hard time with the buttons last year and the years before but now I could fit my arm between my abdomen and the coat and it would still feel fine!

Until next time,
